Dr. Phil Miller
Dr. Phil Miller
B.S., Chemistry, Purdue University, 1985
M.S., Geology, Northwestern University, 1988
Ph.D., Biology, Arizona State University, 1994
Post-Doc., Conservation Genetics, Arizona State University, 1994-1995
Phil joined the CPSG staff in November 1994 after completing his Ph.D. in Zoology at Arizona State University. His diverse academic background gave him a broad range of knowledge and scientific skills that can be brought to bear on complex conservation problems. The design, implementation and continued evolution of species conservation planning processes has been Phil's primary focus since he began working with the organization.
Specifically, Phil has focused on the application of quantitative risk assessment tools like population viability analysis (PVA) across a diverse taxonomic range and against an equally diverse human cultural background. This expertise comes after designing and facilitating more than 70 risk assessment workshops in 40 countries around the world. In addition, he has worked closely with Dr. Robert Lacy, developer of the Vortex PVA software package, to continually improve the program and expand its applicability to a range of species and conservation situations. As a member of the Species Survival Commission’s Species Conservation Planning Task Force and Subcommittee, he is a co-author of the internationally-recognized Guidelines for Species Conservation Planning that are based on closely on CPSG’s principles and steps for effective planning. He also was a co-editor of the SSC’s Manual of Procedures for Wildlife Disease Risk Analysis, now recognized as an important contribution to the disease risk assessment and management toolkit for conservation biologists worldwide.
Phil has two children and lives with his wife Ellen in south Minneapolis.